Results are in: there is no room for more oil & gas

Together, we can protect all of Australia’s special places from the oil and gas industry.

Your support will expose the mindlessness of the ongoing release of new acreage to this industry and take on the companies that put places of World Heritage value at risk to extract more oil and gas that we simply don’t need.

And together, we can work to expose the real way this industry operates—the things it would rather not share—including the fact that it is leaving old rigs and platforms to fall to bits out at sea, risking massive oil spills and causing safety hazards.

Your donation will help by:

  • Exposing the industry’s broken promises to clean up after itself—causing potentially multi-billion dollar liabilities for Australian taxpayers
  • Researching and developing submissions and representations to the federal government opposing the release of key acreage areas
  • Empowering and supporting community resistance to fossil fuel exploration in our marine and terrestrial environments across Australia
  • Demonstrating the risks of seismic testing and drilling in precious marine areas and public opposition to those oil companies that may consider bidding for acreage in marine wilderness areas

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