How do I update my payment details?

  1. Login to your profile at
  2. From the ‘Quick navigation’ menu, choose ‘Update my payment details’
    Update payment details 1
  3. On the next page, click the word 'here' as directed to navigate to our online secure payments page.
    Update your payment details
  4. Click the '+' button on your recurring gift
    Update payment details 2
  5. Click ‘Edit payment method’
  6. Select payment method
    Update payment details 3 - CC
  7. For credit cards:
    1. To update the details of the existing card, choose ‘Update card’
    2. To change to a new card, choose ‘Pay with new credit card’ and click ‘Add new card’.
    3. In either case, this brings up a Blackbaud Payment Service screen.  Enter ‘Name on card’, ‘Card number’ and Expiration month and year.  Leave name and address fields blank.
      Update payment details 4 - BBPS
    4. Click 'Continue'.  You will be returned to the 'Update My Payment Details' screen, but the changes will have been saved.
  8. For direct debit, click 'Payment accounts':
    1. To use a previously used account, select it and click 'Save'.
    2. To change to a new account, choose ‘Pay with new direct debit account', then enter the required details and click 'Save'.  (For account type, choose 'Savings'.)
    3. In either case, you will be returned to the 'Update My Payment Details' screen, but the changes will have been saved.

If you have any questions or concerns about this form, then please call us on 1800 030 641 or email us at [email protected] and we will call you.
Contact [email protected] for more information.

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